
By strawhouse


It's stopped raining, yay!!!!
My garden is full of weeds but they all look so pretty in the sun.
Everything looks better in the sun!
Apart from Miss L's face at the moment - the pox, cocoa pops, calamine and raspberry jam really don't combine to make a good look!!!!
So another lazy day. Miss E went off to school and Miss L and I are hanging about watching daytime TV and drinking beer.
Er, I mean, doing puzzles and playing farms.
She's a lot perkier this morning so hopefully the end is in sight.
If I can summon up some energy I might start doing what needs to be done to change my name to Mrs K. I'm rubbish at things like that - I haven't even changed my address on most things and we moved here in September 2010!!!
Still I can kill two birds with one stone now!!

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