The Heron

Spotted this early this morning whilst slopping my tea dregs down the drain before hopping in the car to go to work

Next door have a pond and the heron had started his annual prowl last month. After losing a good few fish over the years, this year they are wise to the his antics and have covered the pond with slats. After his initial sortie in early April I thought he had realised he was scuppered and gone elsewhere. But no, there he was large as life this morning!

Of course by the time I had fumbled in my rucksack for my camera and legged it out to the garden, there was only time for a few shots before he took to the air (I missed that too!)

Mr Lif has also been a bliptwitcher today. The wee yellow thing he blipped is not called Bernard but we do wonder what it is. There are loads of them in the hedgerows out in the fields. Any ideas ?

Soon be time for the Apprentice and that wee mid week snifter :)

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