First fox!

I never see foxes in our neighborhood park, but a friend sees them in her backyard. Two weeks ago, she told me they had spotted a mother fox with babies, and I was invited out to see them. Serendipity! Today was the day. Lorna gave me directions to her house out in Ashtabula County, served me a wonderful breakfast, and took me on a guided tour of the covered bridges of Ashtabula County. We drove many miles, stopping to blip the bridges, which I will post on my blog as soon as I have time. But the big event of the day was the foxes. Mama was nowhere to be seen, but the three little ones played in the grass, and I blipped and blipped. Thanks, Lorna, for the delicious breakfast, the bridges, and especially for the foxes. I had a great day!

Large is good!

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