Red Flash

By RedFlash

All gone

Some facts:

33 cakes weight quite alot

4 hours sleep having generated the 33 cakes, is not enough

People like chocolate - in particular my triple chocolate muffins - they went first.

All my cakes were sold

I'm being asked to bake again, so I need to find an easier way of getting them across London that still generates blip opportunities. The heavy cakes generated loads, as I kept stopping to rest my left arm.

I'll let you know how much money we raised

Please note that I didn't blip the cakes as I don't blip food.

The tulip and daffodil photo is taken near work - in fact the "building" is in the photo and is the red one in the middle.

They are special because, just after they planted the pansies and the bulbs, they built scaffolding over the top of them that blocked out most of the light and the water. I watched each day as the pansies struggled to survive and slowly started to die. Then the bulbs started to sprout and were desperately striving to get to get to the light. The scaffolding was removed about a month ago and look at them now. Nature is wonderful

PS Might be nice LARGE
PPS It was this or a pigeon. I liked the pigeon but I let Mr F choose so that he could be involved

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