
Charlie loves football. More than most things, more than me, most of the time.

It's not something that has been encouraged, well not if you count supporting Forest, who were once a great team. It's just what he does and what he likes

This is a bit of a journal entry. Feel free to skip on to the next photo, it will be way more interesting

So talking of things we like, I love languages... problem is I speak English and not a lot else. I get by with basic French. I watched a French film last night (I do recommend 22 Bullets not for the kids though), and I wished I could watch it without looking at the subtitles,

I learnt Spanish when I was 35.

I say learnt, I managed to charm a lot of very old men in tapas bars for about 2 years. I would regale my hospital Spanish interspersed with swear words. We got along fine with San Miguel at 1Euro a bottle.

This doesn't have a point really, unless you are me (go on that next photo is probably fab) but sometimes life is about looking back and then looking fowrard

I am a glass half full person, well I try to be, really full is always better, in fact brimming (wine or Mojitos) puts a smile on my face.

There is literally no point to this entry, apart from for me to note that I watched a whole film, a grown up one, with subtitles and really enjoyed it.

A conquest

Best get myself a wine.

oh and I need to remove that dead tree from the garden

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