Hokitika Beach

This is the view from the back gate of my parents house in Hokitika. A wonderful place for a house to be - although some years there are real concerns about how much of the back yard will still be there in the morning.

This was taken at 10.28 this morning. At 10.35 a.m. I took a few steps further down the beach and took this photo which I've put in my blipfolio. Proof of just how quickly the weather can change here.

Today is mothers day here in New Zealand and it was lovely to spend the morning with my Mum. It was also lovely to have a wonderful cooked breakfast courtesy of the family friends who are staying with the parents at the moment - thanks Ray!

And it was lovely to recieve a poem my wonderful son has written especially for me.

Today is definitely a day for counting my blessings.

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