It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Pilgrimage to Anywhere

It's been a varying day.

Yesterday I was incredibly sleepy and it transferred over to today. I took a very late day off and slept until nearly 2pm. Hmmmm....something not right. I then went into Glossop and spent a fortune in the fruit and veg shop in the hope that it would help. A sizeable portion of funds went in the direction of new season English asparagus. I'll have it tomorrow in the knowledge that it will be yummy, but with the forfeit of stinky wee wee!

I had a great cup of coffee at North Tea....a lovely Square Mile Blackburn Estate from had a cherries, chocolate and cream mouth feel....woops nah, that was the blackforest gateau! It was dark sugary sweet, a slight nutty quality and nice acidity...round and perfectly balanced. Some NTP tomfoolery here.

Then it was off to the Buddhist Centre....I love that place. Meditation was interrupted by City fans celebrating..... The subject of my Blip, Rijumati Wallis a Mitra from Barcelona was doing a book launch "Pilgrimage to Anywhere". Lovely warm chap who talked very naturally. A nice balance between travel stories with a wee bit Buddhism mixed in. Sometimes simple subjects can get over-intellectualised but Rijumati got it just right. I bought his book.

Thankfully I was at peace on the way home....the train was full of drunk City fans singing. Hmmmm, I felt like a snobby toffy Tory for a bit, realised it and then reverted back to chilledness!

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