Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Is That Me?

It could have been during some nightshifts I think.

But more likely it would have been Seamus my pal who always looks like a sack of spuds tied in the middle.

The Cygnet was on great form today despite having been up before the birds for some reason ..... Bags (formally known as daughter) looked like a half shut knife though when we arrived.

I realised at one point that I felt rather old with 3 generations sitting playing on the settee.

This afternoon the dental hygenist was rather surprised to find that although it was his first official appointment it was not the Cygnets first seat in the dentists chair.
He has been there twice before with myself and SWMBO.
It was also a surprise for her to hear that he has used a toothbrush since before he got his first tooth and actually scrubs his teeth twice a day - not just suck the toothpaste off the brush ........ and that he has a new brush every 2-3 months ....... and he does not get sweets (other than the occational chocolate button) ....... and that the juice he gets is so watered down I doubt there is any taste.

She was delighted that he was doing so well and that he allowed her to look at his teeth with one of those wee round mirrors.

He was delighted that he was given a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

This evening was the camera clubs annual competition.
It was being judged by No1 son who despite his boyish good looks (he gets that from me -- well, my father) and relatively young age is an excellent judge with a great eye (and a rubbish one - but we try not to talk about that) and a head that is stuffed full of technical knowlege.
He is also a cracking photographer so he can walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

The evening went very well and the fairness and consistancy of the judge was commented on.

The only fly in the ointment is the idiot chose somebody elses pictures to win over mine.

Still - I did avoid putting in my best work.
I had to try and find stuff that he had not seen before or had my 'style' on show.
Also, there would have been a riot if his Dad had won.

Next year the trophy will come back home to me though ....................

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