
By Nigel

In Business

So it looks like the month and a half opening a bank account saga is finally coming to a close. I received emails last week stating that the contact details on my account had been modified so I knew it was getting close. I clicked the 'Apply Now' button on the 1st of November so it has taken 50 days for RBS to get my details to me. I can now start invoicing people, which is what business is all about at the end of the proverbial day.

Pleasant Friday afternoon in the Stipso office, finishing off the bulk of the work to migrate their website to Squarespace and consolidate the Wordpress blog into the site for improved SEO. The Squarespace experience is a bit fiddly, especially being a bespoke hand-crafted HTML person there seems to be some strange hoops to jump through but after a while it all starts to make some kind of sense.

Now that Jen is back from her midweek training in London and out of the catering industry we spent a Friday evening together with neither of us having to go to work over the weekend, something which is very rare for us. Full use of it was made with some decent wine, a perfectly cooked rack of lamb (and less perfectly pressure cooked beetroot, of which we will never speak again) and 'Life of Pi' later on.

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