
By Nigel


There was a rainbow in the sky as I came home from a mad dash around the shops this afternoon. You can just about make it out.

Up at 6:30AM to get a good start n some work I have picked up that uses the PHP driven CMS Concrete. It is a bit more involved than I first thought, hence the very early start.

When I got that all out of the way it was midday and the aforementioned dash around the shops to get last minute presents took place. By this time on a Xmas eve though it is actually not too bad in Edinburgh(and by the power of Timehop I checked and this is definitely a regular thing).

All set we left for Cramlington on the 16:05 train, laden with our presents for the first Xmas with family at their home for a long time. After picking up the obligatory wine before the supermarket shut at 6pm me and Jen had a couple of beers in village pubs before heading back to my Mum's for a festive , err, curry. (Very nice tandoori mixed grill).

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