Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


Have had such a lovely far. I much prefer Christmas Eve to Christmas Day. I always like everything just so, to keep the magic alive, even though Munckin 1 doesn't believe anymore.

Its funny how every family has there traditions, or in my wee family, I have created our own little traditions. We watch Polar Express every year, the house has to be spic and span before Christmas Eve, as Its the day I start to relax and enjoy. We climb up a vey big hill (which has a chalk white horse) every year on this day, with the same friends and drink mulled wine and eat mince pies. We've been doing this for almost 10 years now, since Munchkin 1 was little. And finally, before the Munckins go to bed, I video them putting out the carrot , beer for Santa ( well Badger Golden Glory in this house!) and a mince pie. We started that when Munckin 1 was 3, so its lovely to look back on these videos and see the changes. Tonights was in a new house and next years will also be in a new house! We also did something fab late this afternoon when we put the fire on, thanks to my super friend C. We sent the Munchkins letters for Father Christmas up the chimney...It was magic! Their faces were an absolute picture.
So my Blip for today is of all of us (this year included my friends parents) at the top of the White Horse, sheltering on the good side of Oldbury monument from the intense wind. What made it even more special is this year Little Miss E walked all the way up all by herself, normally she would be in a carrier....and despite the cold, it was beautiful up there.

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope tomorrow brings what you seek. For me it will be the smiles and sheer joy on my children's faces.


Ps. Apologies I've not caught up on journals. Finding it a bit tricky with time when the app is not operational at the moment. X

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