floral abstract!

It's been too many days since i've attended to the 108 day painting  challenge i joined at the beginning of this month.   The past couple of days have been too full of other stuff for me to find the 'space' to play with some paint.

i received a very funky notebook from a good friend for christmas, Rock Paper Notebook...it is indeed made from ground up limestone rocks.   then mixed with a non toxic resin.....the result is a very smooth, slightly silky feeling paper!  i wasn't sure how it would react with paint!  It is beautiful!  this is just using water colour paint.

Here are the Eco facts:

One ton of regular paper:  20 trees, 160000 gallons of water, 36000 btus.
One ton rock paper: zero trees, zero water, zero waste and only 18000 btus.  pretty cool eh!

The paint hasn't bled thro to the other side of the paper which it often does with just a regular sketch book, unless it's the heavy duty water colour paper.  anyway, i just love the way it retains a luminosity that can get lost on regular paper.

Feeling a bit more balanced now!

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