
Went over to my Mum and Dad's today! It was very cold. The village still had lots of snow, mostly hard packed and slippery! The rail platform was no exception, and I was very glad of my warm and practical boots. What they lack in style they make up for in not causing broken legs!

I tried to get some "frosty" shots, with mixed results! This one looks better Bigged Up

I feel like I may be getting a cold too. Everyone else in the family has had it so I've done well not to succumb before now! I hope I've not taken the germs to my parents...I didn't start to feel rough until I was already there!

On the way home I called in to Paperchase and stocked up on cards and wrapping paper for next Christmas! Their stuff is cool, but I don't want to pay full price for it!

Jae's laptop (Well the one used mostly by him!) has packed in and it needs a new hard drive! More expense!

My Mum gave me yet another tub of sweets! May see if Bri wants to take this lot to work with him!

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