
By BikerJim


~And Spanish Broom Flowers~

I had a very grueling and exhausting day today.
I volunteered to do some heavy equipment work
for my church, cleaning out a leaching pond.
The summer monsoon rains are over and
the drainage sediments need to be remove.
Hot, dusty, dirty, buggy, and physically taxing.
Probably two or three more days till I'm done.
But I love it, once an operator always and operator.
And I did entertain the other workers by jumping
off my Cat skiploader every now and then,
running to my truck, grabbing my camera,
and then commence to photographing butterflies.
Manly, yet sensitive, that's ol' BikerJim alright.

Thanks for coming by.

Oh, and many thanks for
all the wonderful comments
on yesterdays photograph,
you made my day!!!

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