Let There Be Light

By solli

Lunch Time

I had a full bird and flower day - I saw the April 29 eggs that are now goslings waddling around Watchung Lake, and took pictures of the yellow Iris alongside Lenape Pond. I went shopping for an outfit then stopped for lunch at a new Thai restaurant. On the way home I routed through Echo Lake to see if the Northern Flickers were about.

No flickers, just squirrels and robins so I continued on. I spotted the heron across the pond stabbing at a very large carp he'd just caught. It was something to see him angle the fish, drop it to the ground, stab it, angle it again until it went down his gullet just right. A nice drink of water afterward capped it all off!

Just as I got to my car, a policeman pulled alongside - I had a brief moment of "Oh No!" but he just wanted to see if I was alright. I would think that the park cops would know my car by now since I'm the black & white mini that's always parked on the side of the road quite illegally.

Long day - I hope to catch up with everyone's journals tomorrow!

Ps - be sure to click on the word Carp for a big surprise!

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