Lali's World

By Lali

Choo choo train

Choo choo train

This train was approaching the Christmas fair at full speed! :)

Blipping this a bit late as I was out for a couple of drinks last night after work. The occasion was a friend's birthday. 

Work was extremely busy with a constant stream of customers flooding in. The main reason was the distiller's fair we're hosting for a couple of days. I was extremely tired after work but I managed to drag myself out of the flat to go to the birthday celebration.

I'll be on holiday until Sunday now!! Yay!!! :D

Not planning to go anywhere, I'll just enjoy some time for myself. About time!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and sorry I haven't commented much recently, but it takes me ages to find you! 

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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