
By SeaGypsy49

Flower of a epiphyllum.

This is the best name that I can find for this flower. Don't know what it's common name is. Even my trusty book on flowers has let me down. If someone knows what it is, please tell me. It is a cactus looking plant, and was at L's today when I went to see her. It is growing in a pot on her front deck, looking rather stunning. It is a bit bigger than a saucer.
Rain, rain and more rain. Had 65 mls since last night and it is still falling, & the wind is blowing too. Wind coming from a unusably direction for us, as there is rain on the windows at the front of the house. We seldom get this.
Had to go to the golf club today to pick up the score cards (should have done it after the weekend, but forgot!!) Got up there and discovered I hadn't got the keys for the club house. I had taken them off the key ring last weekend, when I left some other people use my car to go to golf in. So back up a second time and got them. I've now entered all the scores and printed off the handicaps for the coming fortnight.
We both got soaked this morning, when PJ had a trip to do. Luckily only one today. 
Then the neighbours rang up to say they didn't have any water, so I went to check the tanks, but both full. Got a text later to say that it was only their kitchen tap that wasn't working. So hope they have managed to sort that by now.
Going to brave the elements and go and visit some people shortly for a little while.
Happy New Year to all Blippers out there.

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