Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Aperture Check

Thought I had a problem with one of my lenses' aperture ring (sticking?) with images being over exposed etc. Turned out the lens and it's F22 stop is ok. Hence the hex glare, which I love.

Shot in RAW. I toyed around with the in-camera digital filters and found the Infrared BW filter worked a treat (it has been a while since I used this filter). This is NOT a "proper" IR image, but a digital conversion - blues become black and skin/leaves become pale grey. Note the grainyness and the beads superemposed against the sky - this is all part of the digital IR effect.

This little feature on my Pentax got me into Infrared in the first place 2 years ago (plus the clear expanation I got off the super shop assistant, who sold me the camera) and have since bought a range of 52mm Infrared filters. Prior to this I had never even heard of Infrared photography - apparently it has been going on for years, if not decades in the film format. A well and truly fascinating area in photography.

I need to convert my little Pentax baby soon.............

Oh here is what I look like in colour!


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