
By blipblog

Woof, woof, woof, woof

Who let the Dawg out indeed?

Well to answer that question it was the Blipgods!! You really think that by now they would know better.

Ah well, it's Blip's own mini rebel here with the round up of the latest blip assignment which was of course "Upside down your turning me". Oh and may I say some of you stretched that link to the limits (I should know having tugged on it a bit myself, ooo-er).

Now I did think about getting all witty and creative with it but let's face it, I'm just not that guy. I will apologise now for those that i didn't get in but it's my round up so in the words of my mother... "deal with it!"

OK, here goes...

We had a shot from the gutter and a lot of people making good use of water.

There were also some who took it quite literally.

Some were quite literal but with more effort than I could muster.

Some were creative and a couple were rather abstract.

One was a bit rude and another completely juvenile (but it made me smirk.) One was even influenced by the weather.

Another was a bit hard on the eyes, while my last choice was downright freaky! (Isn't it great?)

Well that's it from me and my first (and probably last) attempt at a round up. Hope you enjoyed it and if not then see the quote from my mother near the top of this waffle ;o)

Cheers folks!


Thanks, McDawg - a pedigree round up. Perhaps there's a place for you in Blipheaven after all.

Thanks also for providing three choices for the next assignment. We've made an executive decision and chosen 'Under the bed'. Don't forget to tag your entries assignment37 and check back here for a the next round up on Tuesday 28 October.

Happy Blipping!

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