The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

To sleep, perchance to dream

I awoke from a dream in which a character in a deerstalker and tweeds (an English Lord, no less! ) was instructing me to write an article on National Nostalgia! Reader, I tried. I really did.

Today was the day for de-Christmassing the house. It's painful, because the tree is so scratchy and the light cables so tangled. But good, because I found a lot of chocolate and tidibits along the way, and the house now looks a lot clearer than it did BC (before Christmas). Also, I was able to listen to my audiobook, Three Weeks with My Brother, by Nicholas Sparks. In my case, it's taken me about Three Months to get Nowhere with this download, but progress has been made today. I'd even go as far as saying Im enjoying it!

This list of lists was something I found as I tidied up my study, where all the surplus stuff from the spare room and the Christmas decoration boxe had been stored. (I've now made it useable again, thank goodness!) I'd been given this little book of lists by Father Christmas, but I was so appalled by the category headings, "to do; to call; to buy" that I immediately added my own subject areas. I've ticked off some items, and added some more, just to prove to myself that I did more than watch TV these holidays. I also found, in the documents on my iPad, some old writing exercise from two or three years ago: a list of things I wanted to change about my life. I am pleased to say that some of those things can now be ticked off, too.

For supper I sauteed sprouts and chestnuts, with ham and fried eggs. Tomorrow I return to work, but it's an INSET day. Let's hope it's not as grey as today: I really feel like doing nothing for a while longer!

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