A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

The Martians have landed

I decided to see in the New Year in style by catching 'flu'. I am on the mend a bit now as I am well enough to get up and retrieve my camera from the other side of the bedroom. I thought I was hallucinating when I logged in and saw the Polaroid icon though. I hope it works out for Blip.

I started listening to podcasts a while ago, having just got into them relatively recently and I have a number of favourites now on various subjects.Most of which interesting and entertaining, some of which on the very edge of the lunatic fringe - also entertaining but in a different way! One of them, which is supposed to be about herbal medicine (which is why I listened to it in the first place) but which is really just insane rambling about vaccines and so on, claims that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and something else called the CDC (Center for Disease Control) are putting Ebola in the Influenza vaccines so as to purposely give Ebola to Americans. She has done several podcasts on the subject now over a few months and never in all that time has thought to question why Americans are not now dying in their droves from the virus. Bonkeroonie. Hopefully there is a new one for me to download now. :-)

Back to bed now, the excitement has been too much.

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