A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Colourful friend

Well I have finally struggled to 1000 blips!

I was hoping to be able to post something better than a bird on a feeder taken through the window but this visitor is such a rare one nowadays that I was just pleased to see him and his wife. Plus if I wait for a decent photo it will never happen. Plus if you look at the top of his right wing, he has one feather striped in pink and grey which I like.

My husband and I watched The Battle of the Five Armies and I thought it was awful and shouted at the screen a fair bit. I have not been impressed with the Hobbit films in general but we both thought this was the worst. Irritating Elf/Dwarf bestiality continued unabated, there was a lot of unnecessary sadistic violence (The Hobbit was supposed to be a childrens book!), everything was CGIed to death - literally and metaphorically and all the pointless references to LoTR were just..pointless. And there were loads of annoying continuity and size errors that never would have happened in the LoTR films. In fact I pretty much hated everything except perhaps for the camp S&M Orcs skull codpieces which were quite amusing. And now I am going to lie down in a darkened room for a bit..

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