Twelfth Night...

... or there abouts.

The ever-lovely M and J (blipped) hosted an (Almost) Twelfth Night party and we were all charged to come in fancy dress as a Shakespearian character.  There were three Hamlets, two Ladies Macbeth and an Oberon Wan Kenobi, complete with light sabre.  Another blipper came as the donkey from Midsummer's Night Dream and the ears and a moustache got passed around...

Dr T and I came home at a decent hour because the next day was a work day but the best laid plans... I had a very long telephone conversation with an old, dear friend back home.  For various reasons we haven't spoken for literally over 20 years but we just seemed to pick up where we left off.  I don't know how that happens but I'm tickled pink when it does.

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