Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave


I was looking for something different to try this evening as it was a bit too dark and windy outside for blipping. I remembered seeing the spiral light patterns my blip friend Marjukka has been creating recently so I thought I would have a try.

I got myself set up in the lounge and hung my maglit from the light fitting and focused the camera straight up at the torch. Turned the lights out and switched the torch on and swung it. Simple really. It sort of reminds me of the patterns you used to create with the Spiragraph kits in the 80's. I'm not sure how to go about creating the ball effects that Marjukka has created, but at least this is a bit safer than the burning wire wool  effects I have seen on Blip!

I tweaked the colour in PS to change it from a white light to a vibrant green.

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