Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

Overwhelmed... two things.

Firstly, by the wonderful generosity of you blippers who willingly volunteered to talk to a random about your blip experience. Thank you so much. I have more offers than the two I need, so I will talk to you all on email and work out what works best for all of us. But to all, thanks again. You're all amazing. :)

Secondly, by watching the Olympic flame come to Britain today. Ordinarily, I'm not at all fussed by sport, and the Olympics would have passed me by with only a peripheral interest. But I was nominated as an Olympic torchbearer by a colleague at work for my work as a school governor of a special school - and I can't wait! It was wonderful watching the flame land and knowing it'll be in my hands soon. I hope I don't drop it... I help in the community in a small way, and it was wonderful hearing the stories of others carrying the flame who do so much more. I feel a collective proudness. 9th July - I'll be ready!

The BBC said "The flame will be carried by members of the public, celebrities and athletes". I wonder which I am? ;)

This blip is another beautiful (well, I think so) close up taken by Chris. Is it me, or is it vaguely flame-shaped?

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