Loving the water

At the start of the day Mr H wants to know when it will be high tide, and can we go to our beach. This afternoon we got there just before high tide, and left just after the turn. The whole time in between, Mr H and his cousin Miss 9 were in the water. 

Master 7 from the Blue Mountains was fairly quickly out of the water, having had a couple of jumps from the (submerged) rocks. He is not really that happy in the water except when interacting with one of the adults, and then he can relax and have fun.

Young L tried to keep up with the older two, and was enjoying it until he got cold, and needed to get out. Having left the water, he chose to accompany uncle Tsuken back up the path to the top of the the cliff with Master 7. 

By late afternoon, the sun was low in the sky and the shore was in shadow. Still wet from my time in the water, following having taken a few more photos, I started to feel the cold. s were the two water children. and we all went back.

On my morning run, past the tall pines and eucalypts where I believe there is a hawk's nest, I saw a little sparrow looking very seedy sitting in the road. I shifted it to the grass verge. No hawk to be seen (or to be heard), and even the shags had left their roosting place in the pine beside the Mahurangi River.

Late in the day I caught a glimpse of a very small bird. The camera was inside and of course no bird to be seen by the time I had collected it.

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