Peggy's Cove.

What a stunning day it was down at the world famous Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia.   After a lovely breakfast at our B & B we drove down here and walked on the rocks for a while.    at this time of year it is fabulous there cos there just aren't the tourists!   apparently in the summer the place is crawling with folks and that would have driven us nuts!   The we drove along the coast to Mahone Bay, thro many little communities that were of course very quiet and most places are closed.   We started looking for a place to stop for lunch....we were a bit skeptical and would have been happy with a Tim Hortons or the like.  But low and behold, there in this tiny community was a Lebanese place!!!  how would have thought!  we had a delicious lunch there and then continued on with our drive.

Found our way to Paul & Joey's B & B near Dartmouth where we were staying for the night.   It is close to the place i get my clay from!   They were spectacular engaging and delightful.   We sat up with them till late into the night talking buddhism, art and just plain old life!!

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