Let Me In, Let Me Out"

They formed an escape commitee.

It worked.

Betty caused a diversion; whilst our attention was distracted Matilda flapped and although clipped made it over the 6 foot fence + 2 feet of trellis in to next doors garden.

Next door are not in, they have gone on holiday, luckily next door, next door have a key.

Spent all sodding morning putting a roof on the run.


I am concerned about my neighbour's 'ladyfriend.'

I was loading the car up for a long stint up the allotment. As I was loading my petrol lawn mower along side my hoe, seedlings and netting, she remarked to me - "looks like you are off for a day at the beach" !!??

Now Weston-Super-Mud Mare is our closest beach, which may in part explain her curious comment.......

But, call me old fashioned, out of touch and boring, but when I go to the beach I typically take:

> towel
> sexy speedoes
> knotted hankerchief
> crap book
> boiled egg
> little flags to go on top of my sand castles
> possibly a frisbee
> rubber ring

I have never been to the beach, nor will I ever go, with a lawn mower and 36 sweetcorn seedlings!

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