Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG


Early blip and run this morning -- call time at the concert venue is in three hours. It's going to be a long day! But somehow I always manage to muster the energy (singing gives me energy!) - it's tomorrow I'll collapse.

Papa Bushtit brings in the biggest fattest delicacies for his young'uns. I've been sitting out on the sunroom deck with my coffee this morning with the littlest bit of rain sprinkling me (just enough overhang to keep the camera dry, but not me - oh, the sacrifices!). The parents are busy busy busy -- coming in with worms and bugs every few minutes and packing out the poop balls. Such industrious little guys!

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No baby sightings yet, but they are sure noisy sometimes. While I watched yesterday morning I was thrilled to hear a Swainson's thrush song. I've never heard one in the city before. It's one of my favorite bird songs.

Off to warm up the pipes. I hope your Sunday is being delightful.

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