Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A walk in the park...

I needed some fresh air and exercise today so after a delicious breakfast cooked by my BIL, and after dropping Hubs off at his mom's house, I set out for a dose of the great outdoors. I went to a place my SIL suggested, Hays Nature Preserve. And while there weren't a lot if birds, the scenery was lovely. I reallt liked this particular image - not sure why, but it just appeals to me. So, Blip is in the bag.

Tonight we will all have dinner again at MIL's house and then early to bes for us as we need to get a very early start back to FL in the morning. I will have to use a little ceativity to find a shot tomorrow ...but i am sure something will grab my attention.

Thanks for stopping by, and for your patience with my lack of comments during my travels this month..


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