That's no moon...

Family movie night and we decided to go with the film that I've probably seen more than any other...ever.  It's quite interesting watching it with the kids as I reckon it has aged very well...except for the cantina scene.  I think I remember reading that even Sir Lucas was never fully satisfied with the scene.

It's actually coming up on 20 years since (1997) George Lucas started fiddling with the films so we'll soon be further away from the Special Editions than they are from the Theatrical release.

Was reading up on the 'Han Shot First' controversy.  He shot Greedo in cold blood in the original and it's the only modification to the film I didn't like.  I think it was more in the character of Han Solo than the modified Greedo shot first.  I didn't realise but apparently the scene was altered a number of times bringing the shots closer together to where almost both shots are fired at the same time.

Han still shot first.

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