More of the Same!

I've been pretty happy to be working away here in my cozy office....a large part of the day has been spent trying to organize my photographs....and with the assistance of a video or 2 i've made some more headway.   but i've also encountered much confusion along the way.  
I decided it was time to clear my head and get outside while there was still light and take the dogs and my camera for a walk.   Well holy shit....i got about 1/2 way up the driveway and had to turn home!   The thermometer read -14 C but it was windy so i'm guessing it was around -18 or so!   Anyway, cold enough to hurt my face.   I don't do very much that hurts my i returned to my cozy wee home and now i'm feeling, once again, a bit bleary eyed!    Time to step away from the computer!!!

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