Plan B

It seems collages escape the eagle eye of the moderators - at least I hope so, and egged on by Cerdiwen, I'm having another go at submitting a baby photo for the challenge started by Peopletwitcher. I won't bore you with all the details again suffice to say that I've included evidence that I was born in India. My mother was always deeply horrified by the fact that this certificate had the following entry:
Name of father (if known)
Here I am looking  none too pleased at having my photo taken - some things don't change!
I'll try and put the original image in my archive section.

We're in humid mist today - my hair is awry and the children slightly steaming. We had live snails in the classroom today - intentionally - all very exciting and it's not true that snails can't move fast.

Track 6 of my Desert Island Discs: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. I challenge you to listen to this without a tear coming to your eye. What a magnificent spine tingling piece of music and one I would like played at my funeral - should himself forget please remind him. I always thought I would like to be buried, preferably with some macabre headstone as blipped by Friedaquilter , but on more recent reflection I think really I could just be scattered on a mountain or on the strand. There's a rather sad and sinister irony to this piece of music though - Operation Moonlight Sonata was the name given by the Nazis to the bombing of Coventry on the 14th November 1940, something poor old Coventry has never recovered from.  And so cynical to call such a callous act of destruction after such a beautiful piece of music.

Mollyblobs is also doing a DID challenge - fun to compare notes and so far very different.

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