the blue hydrangea flowers, coming from far I suppose, because my blue bush outside has only decayed brown flowers.
We had hope for a good result of the working on the tubes, but after seven meters there was another blockage, and nothing more could be done.
Another scenario will  have to be started between now and seven days.
A disappointment, but really the workmen did their very best.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I walked along the Weser for a while.
The sun had disappeared after a lovely morning, not many humans took the risk of getting cold into their bones.
After going to the supermarket we walked uphill again and drank our hot tea.

My haiku:

If you feel the blues
Waiting for some miracle
"In the ultimate I dwell"

And the proverb:

Don't meet troubles half-way.

1598-9  in Shakespeare, Much ado about nothing.

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