Don't Panic

We were supposed be going Amp shopping in Guildford today but Alf needed to watch the football so that plan was scuppered.

Instead I thought I would continue our big sort out and get rid of my old cassettes. 

I borrowed a tape deck off Pete and set to listening to a huge pile of tapes. I had forgotten how bloody annoying tapes are, spending several hours of my day rewinding and fast forwarding only to find the screech of some long forgotten Sinclair Spectrum game. 

I did however find what I was looking for (and some U2) a 30 year old band practise from the band I was in at school. Paul and Noel who were also in the band (along with Rod on vox) were both exceptional songwriters who at the age of 15 had completely nailed a 3 minuted slightly edgy pop song. I just stuck a delay pedal on and pretended I was the Edge ;) Highly amusing to listen back to 30 minutes of our 15 year old selves.

Whilst I was sorting all this out I spotted the guitar I used at that practise sitting forlornly in the corner. It is my first proper guitar and although it has not been played for decades it is really good, it just needs some work. Well a lot of work, nothing that a skilled luthier and a pile of cash won't sort though....

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