"Mission - Wombat"

It was definitely the day for a "Walking Wombat" to go in search of a "real Wombat".  It's my 500th blip today and I'm amazed to say that in all that time I have never blipped a live wombat.   We headed off on our "secret mission" to blip a Wombat early this morning and happily had success when we visited the Featherdale Wildlife Sanctuary in Blacktown.  

To be honest they are incredibly difficult to photograph because they usually sleep during the day and only come out to feed and have fun at night.  We do have Wombats at Wombat Hollow but I only know that because one and one only made an appearance outside our living room some three years ago on Easter Saturday and we see lots of evidence of them because they have a very dainty way of leaving their poos on top of rocks and logs.  I have also had to Wombat proof my veggie patch.

If we had time I would have dearly loved to visit the Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue Centre in Cessnock in the Hunter Valley just north of Sydney.  I saw a wonderful segment on Roz and Kev Holme who have set up the Rescue Centre and care for injured and baby wombats.  Wombats sadly have a very high fatality rate as they cross country roads.  Very often females will have baby wombats in their pouch so we are encouraged to check if we are unfortunate enough to hit one while driving.

This image is also a special one for my little Wombat mate Flynn (Gitama's Grandson)  Flynn and I have both have a love of Wombats and you'll be happy to know Flynn that this little Wombat thought his breakfast was really "YUMMO".

It's hard to believe that I have now published 500 blips.  It only seems like yesterday that my big brother "Big Al" Allan46 was encouraging me to become a "Blipper".  Today I'm reflecting on the wonderful people that I have met through my journal, many of them I have now met in person and I'm about to meet many more when CCN and I travel to New Zealand in April for the Anzac Blip Meet in Wanaka.  There are also many of you who I count as friends and I may never meet in person.  That is something I have to come to terms with because I'm an individual who thrives on personal contact with friends.   I love sitting around a table "breaking bread" and enjoying conversation and lots of laughter.  With my blip friends I have to do that in a "Virtual Way".  I do feel a strong connection though and I hope that those friendships will grow and prosper over the years.   A huge thank you to all of you who have given me so much encouragement along the way. 

A whole new phase of blipping is opening up for me now as I've just started a six week "Camera Course"  I'm going to love finding out for the first time in my life just how a camera operates!!   

Lots of love and a big hug to all of my blip mates.

PS - Click here If you'd like to check out the Wombat's Menu

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