In My World

By JoanneInOz

Black & White ~ AKA getting to know my camera

Today I decided to take the next step.

To plunge in, head first, where I have never plunged before. To by-pass auto and delve deeper....

I began reading the manual for my new camera.

At face value it may sound easy, until you realise that the two-hundred-and-twenty-pages of technical information is all on CD!

Seriously, who carts a laptop around the garden, to refer back to when you get stuck? For example, when you suddenly discover you have somehow managed to set the camera to delayed timer, with three consecutive photos taken, after a ten second wait, when you hit the button?

A handy little pocket sized paper manual would have been appreciated for such circumstances.

The photo I chose out of the thirty-six black and white photos I had taken, is a lovely pink "Allamada" flower, otherwise known as "Mandevilla Splendens ".

(Did you need to know it was pink? I'm wondering now if there is a black and white photo etiquette, where colour should not be mentioned.)

I'm rather happy with my first attempt at black and white, and I hope you like it too! :)

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