One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

Hakea laurina

mcd3 had one of these little beauties as a recent blip so I'm following in her footsteps with this blip.

Also known as the pincushion hakea (for obvious reasons), and Kodjet and Emu Bush, the tree at the end of our street is a great example of the tree . Growing like a great big pom-pom, hung with little pom-poms in different stages of unfurling, the bees just love it!
I seem to be writing a lot about bees loving the native flora and it would be delicious to find a hive they all return to and sample some of their honey, collected from the Hakea and various Grevillea all currently in flower.

Named for Baron Christian Ludwig von Hake, the 18th century German patron of botany, they are also grown as hedging and street plants in America and Italy, so LFL maybe there is one growing near you!!

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