the edges of my life

By raej

pied piper

today i decided to face my fears and go and check on the village dogs - first time since the dog poachers came and took Max (and others)
started off badly as the 2 dogs that live on the corner were gone - i had heard they had managed to get home to die (they were poisoned that night) - but then little Mickey who i treated for 6 months came tearing up to me and all was good (she used to try and follow me home but the corner dogs owned that territory and would stop her) - then up a laneway to check on another patients house - both dogs (fluff and red) looking skinny but good, then onto Missy and finally Toh (who we treated for a massive skin wound after being hit by a motorbike)and a dislocated hip..... also picked up a few extras so I looked like the pied piper again! some of the village women were drinking tea at the roadside stall and had a good natured laugh at me and my dog friends.....

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