Some Hotel, Somewhere

Has it really come to this? Fourth week into MrP's work and it's a photo snapped out the window of the No2 bus??
Look, I'd a tiring weekend. But things are looking up! Well, they may look up.. I better not raise expectations. But yes, I took delivery of a buik! The Photographers Guide to the Panasonic Lumix LX7. Of course, I may just continue taking snaps with my iPhone and slapping some effects over the top. Over the top effects, too. Or I may raise my game. If I ever get away from this Business Park.
What else happened? I was summoned to a meeting to discuss the Club Handbook! Some geezers were up from London in the office! King Benny has started back in harness! If I use loads of exclamation marks it'll all sound quite exciting! I must get off to kip! Night night, night owls everywhere!

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