Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Beautiful day!

I have spent the morning with husband moving and sorting the sheep. They have all had a worm and liver fluke dose and a foot bath to prevent foot rot. The hoggs (last years lambs) have been put back to the hill after spending a few months on the better ground to help them grow. The tups (rams) and riggs have been put out to their field after spending the last few months in the shed. And all the ewes are now on the in bye ready for lambing in 2 weeks time. I took this photo when we fed the ewes on the in bye after they had all been sorted. Breagh is watching her flock closely!

I took Pip up to gather in the ewes from the hill park and was really pleased to have her taking her flanking commands and stopping and steadying when told but also steadying herself as well. Feels like we are making progress together!

Cant believe how lovely the weather is today, its warm and sunny and so spring like you can almost see the grass growing. The birds are chirping and singing away. Shame its not going to last forecast for tomorrow isn't very good.

8c 5mph S breeze. Beautiful spring day.

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