Speeding swan

I've been off today and, as usual, non-stop.

I had to get up early beause the neighbours' agency's plumber was coming to see the leak in our bathroom's ceiling. We have a massive damp stain on the ceiling as a result and now we have fungi growing on it as well!!! Yuck! :-/ Not happy! This is just taking far too long... I hope they get it properly fixed soon!

After that, I went to Tesco's for my food shopping and then I went to the gym. On my way back from the gym, I was mesmerized by a sight. There were two swans that were performing what looked like a kind of ritual in perfect synchronization. They raised their necks and looked at each other, then they moved their heads from one side to the other as if giving each other two polite kisses and then they both sunk their heads in the water, in the exact same way making a symetrical pattern with their necks and heads. My camera was not at the ready, unfortunately...

Since I came back from the gym, I've been making cakes: one for a friend for his birthday on Friday and one for the bake-off thingy they're doing at work on Thursday. Time to sit down and relax now...

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars, hearts and suggestions for my back. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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