Long day to Blue Lake

Using the long term weather forecast we brought with us from Christchurch and the latest forecast we'd got from DOC, we made the call to change our plans.

With the weather likely to deteriorate at the end of the week we were better to cross the high alpine Moss Pass on Thursday, not Friday. That made today a long day. Longer than it should have been but you get a bit of that when some want to stop and chat with other trampers, or stop and look. Others of us just want to crank on.

Oddly I'm not as comfortable or fluid lower down in the forest. I manage fine but it's the tops I long for, or at least the journey above bush line.

In this photo we were entering hpx country and about an hour away from the hut. Our destination was in behind the bush covered hill on the left.

A demanding day and I was glad to drop my pack on the last bottom bunk in Blue Lake Hut after 9 hours.

From the Sabine hut where we stayed last night, I'm now in the part of this trip I last did 26 years ago. I don't remember a lot of it clearly but I know I was just a few weeks post knee surgery. All went well but I look back on it as young and probably stupid.

I do remember the beauty of Blue Lake. It has the clearest water in the world.

The lake is two minutes from the hut. I spent time just sitting and taking photos. At nearly 1000m it's almost above the limit of sand flies and they don't bother you much.

I also took in what I remembered of the route up to Moss Pass, tomorrow's objective. With good weather it all felt pretty good to me. I also traced the route to the south east towards Waiau Pass, the route from Nelson into Canterbury. That's a bigger objective for next summer.

Back in the hut it was full, a mix of Kiwis and Australians, all capable, responsible and happily paying their way. No free loaders here. Seldom have I spent such an enjoyable evening in a hut. I mostly chatted with five woman who belonged to the same bush walking group in Sydney. Each year they come to NZ and tramp for a couple of weeks.

I dropped off to sleep happily anticipating tomorrow. Moss Pass is a classic route in Nelson Lakes National Park and I'm going to get to cross it for a second time in my life.

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