Kenjutsu (traditional sword fighting)

Ronnie and Anrie's Kenjutsu Club had a  visitor this weekend, John van Zyl, who is to my knowledge, the highest ranking Sensei in South Africa and stays in Cape Town. He only visits the Centurion Club once or twice a year and then they have a whole weekend of training, the Sensei of the Centurion Club, Schalkwyk van der Merwe also arrange loads of rolled up straw mats for them to cut with their swordws on the Sunday morning. Ronnie, Charmaine and I went through to watch them, what a lovely experience! The discipline and respect for the Martial Arts is impressive and our two sweeties are really head over heels in love with it! We seriously support them, it is great to see how they enjoy doing this together and how they practise at home, good, healthy activity!

I can't believe myself, but I forgot to take my camera with me, pathetic! So, we have to make do with iPhone snaps! Sorry! :-(   

'One Year Ago'  -  Butterfly, oh Butterfly  Sorry to say, but this picture of mine was awesome! I am so proud of it, can't believe it is a whole year back.

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