La Fhéile Pádraig

May the frost never afflict your spuds.
May the leaves of your cabbage always be free from worms.
May the crows never pick your haystack.
If you inherit a donkey, may she be in foal.

May your day be touched
by a bit of Irish luck,
brightened by a song in your heart,
and warmed by the smiles
of the people you love.

Two Irish blessings for the price of one, I couldn't chose between them

I'm not going for subtlety today - SarumStroller would have had something to say about that border!! It's Paddy's Day - shona lá fhéile Pádraig :) We've been to Ballydehob where this band were playing lots of diddly dee and the parade was full of vintage tractors, excitable children in wigs and beards, a bubble car (1965)  and some elegant horse and carts. We were then invited back to Robert and Finola's for freshly baked pear and almond scones and some hilarious conversation.

Back home, and the spuds have been put in (may the frost never afflict them) and then it's off for chips and Arthouse: Whiplash , I shall report back (if I remember!)
And I''m not mentioning anything doomy and gloomy today - so here's a bit of full on  diddly dee while you're browsing - get those dancing shoes on!

And here's an idea

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