Baby Pine Siskin

This little fellow was fearless. I stood on the deck with my camera and he or she chowed down on the seed mixture I put out called "Chickadee's Friend." As he ate, I inched closer and closer until I was no more than a couple of feet away from him. He knew I was there I'm pretty sure. But he just kept on eating until some larger birds began to appear in the area. Then he left. What a cute little fellow.

Arvin and I had a quiet day together today. We went to REI so I could return the raincoat I bought day before yesterday. I was replacing a lost one but last night one of the bridge folks came up to me and asked if I'd left my coat at bridge on Sunday. Ah... that's where it was. I have yet to get it back but at least I know it isn't lost.

Next we went to Michael's so I could take advantage of their sale on canvasses. Usually I buy mine locally but the prices were really good. I bought little panels and canvasses for plein air painting. And I bought some cheap inexpensive frames for the small paintings I hope to do while I'm traveling. 

I spent some time on the deck while Arvin napped and that's when I met this little fellow. I found him charming.

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