Skagit Valley Tulips

The tulips are really early this year. They opened the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival two weeks early. Usually it begins on April 1st. Arvin, Helena and I drove down to the valley to see how far along the tulips were. This is how they look now. The yellow in back is one of the daffodil fields. Love the yellow against the purple. We had an added bonus to our view. There was a large flock of Snow Geese off behind the fields. I took lots of pictures of them but chose this HDR of the tulip fields for today's blip.

We timed our visit well. Just as we were getting ready to leave it began to rain lightly. We drove into Anacortes for a light lunch and to pick up my raincoat that I had left at Nancy's house last Sunday at bridge. Then we drove home and Steve came over for an afternoon of games and dinner.

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