not only a lot of trees, and four or five deer that were not visible at first while they were as brown as the ground, but when they ran away their white tails showed them off. And we were amazed to see again so many cut trees, lying individually or being sawed and put into huge heaps.
It was cold when the day started and it kept cold all day, but with the now and then shining sun it was wonderful to walk, not too far, not too long, just right in every aspect.
Later we skyped with Mischa. I'll travel to The Hague on Friday and that is suddenly coming nearer so soon.

My haiku:

I stared, you stared back
I laughed, but you did not
I walked away, you not

And the proverb:

A thin meadow is soon mowed.
1659  in  Fuller, Serm.

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