Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Pink Lupin

I gardened for three-and-a-half hours and was back in the house working on my computer by 1030 hours this morning.

I have caught up with all my marking include that scheduled for tomorrow so I only have a short time working tomorrow; then I shall spend most of the day outside. If it is hot I have a lot of pottering jobs to do rather than the heavy stuff I did when it was slightly cooler early this morning. However, it has been threatening a thunderstorm for the last hour so it might be too wet. At least the thunder storm will clear the air a little.

I had a choice of several flowers today and chose this pink lupin; sadly this is not in my garden, nor is the Yellow Iris or Red Peony which I have posted on Flickr. Maybe as I continue to clear the borders I will find my lupins, peonies and irises.

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