
By strawhouse

In the Meadow

I love Mondays!!
Is it so wrong to skip out of the school door joyful in the knowledge that my precious little ones are being cared for, stimulated and educated while I have a glorious day to myself?
We had an eventful journey to school - I was flagged down by a car and a Middle Eastern man ran over and in very broken English started asking for money for petrol. I don't doubt it was genuine as he had women and children in the car. Seemingly hundreds of them!! I said I had no money and he started taking off several huge gold rings and thrusting them in my window. I really did have no money in the car and was feeling a bit vulnerable on a deserted country lane. I didn't feel I could drive off because I was brought up to be polite and as he was so far in the window I suspect I'd have run over his feet!!! In the end I exclaimed "On my children's life, I have no money" which was true - and ironic as my petrol guage was showing 3 miles left 3 miles from school!! And he accepted it.
They were gone when I came back past 15 minutes later.
After a very satisfying wardrobe clear out I went to meet Mrs D - Miss L's swimming teacher - in Buckingham. We had a lovely couple of hours drinking coffee and discussing weddings. She's getting married in a few weeks and I had a whole new bout of wedding envy. I miss the planning and looking forward to it!
Then I went to the bank and paid in an embarasssingly large amount of small change - yes things are that bad!! And I finally changed my name and address. Only six weeks after the wedding, woohoo!!!
Then I had an afternoon pottering at home. Vaguely tidying and sorting and watching tennis
So all in all a very good day.

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